
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Miscellaneous Fishing Trips

Bedong Revisits: The Fish That Kills My Clicker

The Sikang challenge
The biggest at the trip

Then of course, the revenge trip

Nice size
The PB bashing

Nice size

Sebarau of Chenderoh
The Ladyfish of Bagan Datoh

Jackpot Bagan Datoh

Sunday 9 June 2013

Another trip to England

Visiting Alnwick, the home of Hardy

The rainbow on nymph

The lovely weather, you don't really sweat that much for every cast.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Again Chenderoh... With Finesse outfit...

Finally, I get to be the fisherman instead of the designated boatmen like always.. It is a good thing for me because I'm learning the whereabouts of the productive spots and the best techniques for this place from the local guides.

Chasing Frenzy with 3wt fly outfit is not that easy
The Sebarau Frenzy
The trick is to verify two types of frenzy. The first type is the small area frenzy, usually few Sebaraus and last for short duration. While the other one is the big area frenzy, which last longer with more Sebarau participating. Normally, the first one is the one that trigger the big area frenzy. So when spotted the small area frenzy, quickly move towards it but do not park too close that it might scares the fish away. Off the boat's engine and wait approximately 5-7 minutes. After a while, start the boat's engine and ready for the second frenzy that normally follows by.

But proper technique and experienced boatman is the advantage

Luxury fishing, Me + Boatmen
Peacock Bass
Just a tip from the guide, here, the larger PBs sometime hide under sunken timber and PBs here are active in the evening...

One of the decent sizes
Sometimes, the guide instructed me to cast at the open area, its a bit different from my normal practice. But then he explains that some of the areas at Chenderoh are shallow and these result in patches of water plants that are not visible but incredibly productive.

42cm that pulled the boat. and its on 3wt
Final Words
Why Chenderoh? 2 hours drive (160-180km/h) from KL, park at the Jetty and ride the boat. No need offroad, just highway driving, no trekking, boat condition are good and quite cheap, the fish are there, all year long Sebarau frenzy.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Chenderoh, revisited...

Same as last year, I went to Chenderoh with the same group hoping to chase the Sebarau. Sadly, it wasn't productive as we suspected. The frenzy was there but they wasn't biting anything but Crazy Charlie patterns. This is quite disappointing compare to last year trip when we manage to catch quite a number. The only fishes that are biting are the Peacock Basses.

This PB is hiding under the Bushes behind me

Another PB

And another

The only sebarau landed. On Crazy Charlie

Thursday 17 January 2013

Fly fishing GT @ damai fishing village

Went to Damai fishing village just to have some action with my 7wt outfit. It costs around RM450 for 3 hours fishing per group (maximum 7 pax). I started fishing from 3pm. The fish a bit frenzy towards the sunset. There was some heavy rain but luckily the fish was still biting.
First GT during the rain

Another one

Mostly are the same size

Caught using conventional method

One has landed while other one is still on fight

Test the rod to the limits